
The Prince of Wales Christmas message for persecuted Christians

HRH Prince Charles 
The Prince of Wales Christmas message for persecuted Christians

Wanted to share with you this Christmas message from HRH Prince Charles for persecuted Christians. HRH The Prince of Wales has recorded a Christmas video message for Aid to the Church in Need specifically aimed at persecuted Christians, assuring them of his thoughts and prayers over the festive season. 

To watch the video you will need to click on the links provided as the Aid To The Church In Need charity wants you to experience it on their website.

The Michael Trust is not affiliated with ACN but we recognise the dedication of their work for the protection of Christians who face persecution. Read further below more about the ACN. 

Here is the text of the Christmas message -

As Christians all around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, it is of vital importance that we remember all those who suffer persecution for their Christian faith.