
History of The Michael Trust

Original logo of The Michael Trust
The Michael Trust, first established in 1989 after and during investigating and infiltrating (1983-1996) new religious movements, esoteric groups, closed faith based communities. Provided intelligence to government agencies home and abroad and aided and advised police investigations and social services and other related agencies You can find out more about some well known cases here.  The Michael Trust was to become more of an advisory role later and for the last  20 years has built up good working relationships with some of the many new religious movements.

The Michael Trust ( 1991- 1997, 2014 - ) also advised new religious movements that from time to time would clash with news related media or localized public or government hysteria due to misunderstandings and concern about their closed activities; organisations such as
International Church of Christ
The London Church of Christ, Scientology, The Twelve Tribes Community, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many others. Although we apparently live in a free society where you can choose to follow any religious belief and this is backed up by the United Nations and co-signed by government actors around the world; sadly many religious groups are persecuted for their right to believe. The trusts focus today is to encourage dialogue and Track 2 diplomacy through advocacy work.

1990-1993 The trust also provided genuine non sectarian related information and help to individuals and families in relation to personal or family member involvement to new religious movements.

The Michael trust focus has changed as the religious landscape has evolved since the mid 1990's. There are now fewer old-style so called "cults" and esoteric themed groups the "New Age" movement as we used to now it has now declined, now more concern has grown over controversial groups emanating from Islam, Christianity, Far Right Groups, radicalization of not just the young but vulnerable persons many of them associated with immigrant communities; cultural theology needs sensitive monitoring such as "Spirit Possession" and other related concerns in West African churches for example.

The purpose of the Michael Trust  to encourage the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion and belief by upholding the Charter of the United Nations. Today is to bring people together from across the world to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society working for a common future for tolerance and respect in matters relating to religion and belief with the emphasis on a persons right to health, quality of life and to ensure that the use of religion or belief is consistent with the Charter of the United Nations.

The Michael Trust Work 2016 - 
Today the trust provides non biased information (OSINT, HUNINT, CYBINT) and advice to government agencies home and abroad. we also provide our services to select individuals and organisations. The trust provides also Track II diplomacy and provides assistance when new religious movements are under scrutiny by public media or government actors. The trust has built up good communicative relationships with a number of new religious movements and closed groups over the years and provides help and advice when asked. "A person should not be judged by their faith but instead what they do with their hands." MT.